Step 7: Enable users to close the file
It is important that web users properly close their sessions by opening the menu bar and then clicking Close File.
If they close the browser window or quit the browser before closing the file, their sessions may still be open, which might:
prevent others from opening the custom app if the connections limit has been reached
prevent the custom app from running scripts assigned to script triggers
cause a script to continue running until the specified timeout occurs, which may lead to unexpected results
make data vulnerable to hackers until the specified timeout occurs
If they leave a FileMaker WebDirect session idle on an inactive browser tab in Safari, the session may become unresponsive before the session timeout.
If they lock or power off their devices before closing the file, the sessions may become unresponsive.
If they close the browser before closing the file, any uncommitted changes will be reverted.
To minimize these situations, set the session timeout to a short amount of time or create a scripted button to safely close the file. See Working with virtual windows.
Note If you hide the menu bar, create a scripted button to close the file. See Step 5: Hide the menu bar and status toolbar.