Using a FileMaker Pro database as a data source

When you host a FileMaker Pro database as an ODBC or JDBC data source, FileMaker data can be shared with ODBC- and JDBC-compliant applications. The applications connect to the FileMaker data source using the FileMaker client drivers, construct and execute the SQL queries using ODBC or JDBC, and process the data retrieved from the FileMaker Pro database solution. The FileMaker Pro database solution can be hosted by either FileMaker Pro or Claris FileMaker Server.

See Claris FileMaker ODBC and JDBC Guide for extensive information on how you can use FileMaker software as a data source for ODBC and JDBC applications.

The FileMaker ODBC and JDBC client drivers support all of the SQL statements described in this reference.

Supported standards

  • The ODBC client driver supports ODBC 3.0 Level 1.

  • The JDBC client driver provides partial support for the JDBC 3.0 specification.

  • The ODBC and JDBC client drivers both support SQL-92 entry-level conformance, with some SQL-92 intermediate features.

Support for Unicode characters

The ODBC and JDBC client drivers support the Unicode API. However, if you’re creating a custom application that uses the client drivers, use ASCII for field names, table names, and filenames (in case a non-Unicode query tool or application is used).

Note  To insert and retrieve Unicode data, use SQL_C_WCHAR.