Sharing files with mobile clients

FileMaker Go lets you work with FileMaker Pro custom apps on iPad and iPhone. You build custom apps using FileMaker Pro. Then use FileMaker Go to work with the data on a device. For example, on a device you can add, modify, delete, find, and sort records; display data in Form View, Table View, and List View; view information in portals, tab panels, slide panels, and web viewers; scan barcodes; and perform scripts and other tasks.

Use one of the following options to work with data in FileMaker Go:

  • Connect to a hosted file from an iOS or iPadOS device and work with data interactively. When you change data on the iOS or iPadOS device, the data is updated on the host computer, and vice versa. FileMaker clients can connect to files hosted by FileMaker hosts and are shared over a Wi-Fi or mobile data network. Before you connect to a file, make sure the file is uploaded to and shared by a host or set up for peer-to-peer sharing. See Sharing files on a network.

  • Transfer a file to an iOS or iPadOS device, then work offline with a local copy of the file on the device. When you make data changes to the local file, the remote file is not updated.

For information about connecting to hosted files or transferring files to or from a device, see FileMaker Go Help.

To tailor files for use with mobile clients, see FileMaker Go Development Guide.