Perform Quick Find

Performs a quick find based on specified text or on text returned by a calculation.


Specify the search text.


Product Supported
FileMaker Pro Yes
FileMaker Go Yes
FileMaker WebDirect Yes
FileMaker Server Yes
FileMaker Cloud Yes
FileMaker Data API Yes
Custom Web Publishing Yes

Originated in version 



This script step finds records that match one or more search words based on text that you specify or text returned by a calculation.

You can use the Get(QuickFindText) function to pass the text that is typed in the quick find box to the Perform Quick Find script step.

Example 1 

Performs a quick find with the contents of the Custom Quick Find field, sorts the found set, and goes to the first record. Started by the OnObjectSave script trigger.

Perform Quick Find [Invoices::Custom Quick Find]
Sort Records [Restore; With dialog: Off]
Go to Record/Request/Page [First]

Example 2 

Goes to the Invoice Details layout and performs a quick find using the text in the quick find box. If no records are found, displays a custom dialog box. Useful with a custom menu item that performs quick finds.

Go to Layout ["Invoice Details"]
Perform Quick Find [Get ( QuickFindText )]
If [Get ( LastError ) = 401]
    Show Custom Dialog ["No records match " & Get ( QuickFindText )]
End If