Adding, duplicating, and deleting records

Important  You can't undo any of the following actions. Before you begin, consider making a backup copy of your database.


Do this in Browse mode

Add a record in the current table

Click New Record in the status toolbar.

Add a record in a related table

  • If the related field is in a portal, type data into the field in the last row of the portal, then commit the record (for example, by clicking anywhere outside the record or selecting another record).
  • If the related field isn't in a portal, type data into the field, then commit the record (for example, by clicking anywhere outside the record or selecting another record).

Duplicate a record in the current table

Select the record. Choose Records menu > Duplicate Record.

If the record displays related data in a portal, make sure no records are selected in a portal before duplicating the record.

Duplicate a related record in a portal

Select the related record in the portal (making sure the whole row is highlighted), then choose Records menu > Duplicate Record.

Delete one record

Select the record. (If your layout displays related records in a portal, select anything other than a portal row.) In the status toolbar, click Delete Record.

Delete a related record

Select a portal row and run the Delete Portal Row script step.

Delete a group of records

Make sure the found set contains only the records you want to delete. Choose Records menu > Delete Found Records.

Delete all records in a table

Click Show All, then choose Records menu > Delete All Records.


  • You can add related records from the current table only if the relationship has been defined to allow the creation of related records.
  • FileMaker Pro stores new records at the end of the table. If records are unsorted, the new record appears after the last record in the found set.