Migration matching rules
The FileMaker data migration tool uses the following rules to match the data between the source file and the clone.
Data is migrated only if the names or internal IDs of tables and fields match. The tool determines the best match in this order:
both the names and the IDs match
only the names match
only the IDs match
If no matches are found, the data is not migrated.
The privilege set for a migrated user account is set to the clone’s privilege set only if the privilege set names or IDs match. The tool determines the best match in this order:
both the names and the IDs match
only the names match
only the IDs match
If no matches are found, a new privilege set, Unmapped Privilege Set, with no privileges assigned is created for the account.
Custom value lists are migrated only if the names and IDs match, and if the -ignore_valuelists parameter isn't used.