Removes the specified styles from text in a single action.
- any text expression or text field
- any named style from the list of available styles
FileMaker Pro 7.0
You can remove multiple styles by using the + operator between style names. Negative values are not valid. The Plain styles cannot be used for this function. Plain is ignored if intermingled with other styles. Styles are not case sensitive and do not contain spaces.
An additional style called AllStyles has been provided to make it easier to remove all styles. Text formatting options will be lost if the field type that is returned is something other than text.
The styles that are available are:
•AllStyles (all available styles)
TextStyleRemove ( "Plaid" ; Italic )
returns the word Plaid with the italics style removed.
TextStyleRemove ( FirstName ; Bold + Underline )
returns Sophie with the bold and underlined styles removed when the FirstName field contains Sophie.
TextStyleRemove ( FirstName ; AllStyles )
returns Sophie without any styles.
TextStyleRemove ( MyTable::MyText ; HighlightYellow )
returns the text contained in MyTable::MyText with the HighlightYellow style removed.