Reference > Functions reference > Text formatting functions > TextColorRemove


Removes all font colors in specified text, or removes the font color specified by the RGB function.




text - any text expression or text field.

RGB(red;green;blue) - any integer number from 0 to 16777215 obtained by combining the red, green, and blue values (each ranging from 0 to 255) to represent a color.

Parameters in braces { } are optional.

Data type returned 


Originated in 

FileMaker Pro 8.0


Use this function to revert text to the default font color for the field. If you don’t use the RGB function to specify a color, all of the text displays in the default font color that was set in Layout mode for the field. When the font color is specified by the RGB function, only the specified font color is removed from every portion of the text displayed in that color and these same portions of the text are then displayed in the field's default font color.


Text formatting options will be lost if the field type that is returned is something other than text.

Example 1 

TextColorRemove ( "Red Text and Green Text" ) returns Red Text and Green Text displayed in the field’s default font color.

Example 2 

TextColorRemove ( "Red Text and Green Text" ; RGB ( 255 ; 0 ; 0 ) ) returns Red Text and Green Text with only the pure red font color removed from the words Red Text.

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