Moves to the next field in the tab order of the current layout.
Setting the tab order for data entry
Product | Supported |
FileMaker Pro Advanced | Yes |
FileMaker Go | Yes |
FileMaker WebDirect | Yes |
FileMaker Server | Yes |
FileMaker Cloud | Yes |
FileMaker Data API | Yes |
Custom Web Publishing | Yes |
Runtime solution | Yes |
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
If no field is selected when this script step is performed, this script step moves to the first field in the tab order of the current layout. If a field is formatted as a button, the field object is selected, not the button object.
Note In FileMaker WebDirect, the cursor moves to the selected field.
Goes to the next field in the tab order unless the Status field in the current record is empty.
If [IsEmpty ( Invoices::Status )]
Show Custom Dialog ["Invoice Status cannot be empty."]
Go to Next Field
End If