Reference > Functions reference > Get functions > Get(ScreenScaleFactor)


Returns the scale factor of the screen in which the current file is open.





Data type returned 


Originated in 

FileMaker Pro 13.0.2


In macOS and FileMaker Go, this function returns a scale factor based on the relative pixel density of the screen; for example:

1 for a device without a Retina display

2 for a Mac with a Retina display; iPhone 6, iPhone 7, or iPhone 8

3 for iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus, or iPhone X

In Windows, this function returns the scale factor specified in Control Panel.

In FileMaker WebDirect, server-side scripts, the FileMaker Data API, and Custom Web Publishing, this function returns 1.

Example 1 

Get(ScreenScaleFactor) returns 2 on iPad with Retina display.

Example 2 

Detects the screen scale factor, then goes to a layout designed for a large scale factor or goes to a standard layout.

If [Get ( ScreenScaleFactor ) = 1.5]
Go to Layout [Invoices Factor 150%]
Go to Layout [Invoices]
End If

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