Reference > Functions reference > Get functions > Get(PersistentID)


Returns text representing a unique identifier of the computer or device running FileMaker.





Data type returned 


Originated in 

FileMaker Pro 12.0


Returns a unique, unchanging identifier for the computer on which FileMaker Pro Advanced is running, the device on which FileMaker Go is running, or the current FileMaker WebDirect session in the form of a 32-digit hexadecimal string. Get(PersistentID) helps you identify devices that access your solution.


If web browser cookies are cleared during a FileMaker WebDirect session, the value returned by Get(PersistentID) changes.

If a FileMaker Go user restores an iOS backup to a different device, the value returned by Get(PersistentID) changes. If a backup is restored to the same iOS device, the returned value remains the same. For more information, see the FileMaker Knowledge Base.

Example 1 

For a FileMaker Pro Advanced client or a FileMaker Go client, Get(PersistentID) returns a value such as 78569d0bd40b898a64e7d08ccdea8220.

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