Returns the IP address of the host computer for the current file.
FileMaker Pro 8.0
If the current file isn’t being hosted, an empty string is returned.
If IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are available for remotely hosted files, the address is returned in the most common or default format. This might not be the same format that was used when connecting to the host.
If the current calculation is stored and you specify its context, this function will be evaluated based on that context; otherwise, it will be evaluated based on the context of the current window.
•In FileMaker WebDirect, Get(HostIPAddress) returns the physical IP address of the host machine.
•If the host machine has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, Get(HostIPAddress) returns only the IP address that the client used to connect to the host.
Returns one of the following when the current file is being hosted:
•IPv6: [2001:0DB8:85A3:08D3:1319:8A2E:0370:7334]
Returns one of the following when accessing a locally hosted file:
• if connected to
•[::1] if connected to localhost
• if connected to the computer’s IP address or evaluated in FileMaker WebDirect.