Creating and managing layouts and reports > Editing layouts > Setting up form, list, and table views for a layout

Setting up form, list, and table views for a layout

FileMaker Pro Advanced provides three different views of each layout: form, list, and table. When you change views, you change the way records display or print.

To specify which views are available in other modes:

1. In Layout mode, choose the layout you want to work with from the Layout pop-up menu.

2. Click Layout Setup Layout Setup button in the layout bar.

3. In the Layout Setup dialog box, click the Views tab, then select one or more views.


When you select

This View menu item is enabled in Browse and Find modes

Form View

View as Form

List View

View as List

Table View

View as Table

4. Click Properties, specify Table View options, then click OK.



Do this

Specify table grid settings

Select Horizontal, Vertical (or both), choose a color for the grid, and a style for the grid lines.

Specify which layout parts to display

Select the parts to display: top navigation, header, footer, and bottom navigation.

These settings matter only if you have defined the parts for the layout, and they’re only in effect in Table View.

Specify whether column headers are displayed and how they behave

Select Include column headers (which display the field names).

To allow users to resize column widths by dragging column boundaries in Browse mode or Find mode, also select Resizable columns.

To allow users to reorder one or more columns by dragging in Browse mode or Find mode, also select Reorderable columns.

Specify a custom row height (all rows are the same height)

Select Use custom height, then choose a unit of measure and type a value.

When this option is cleared, the row height is adjusted to accommodate the largest font size defined for any of the fields on the layout.

5. For Default view, choose the view to display whenever you first open the layout.


If Include column headers is selected, users can right-click the column heading in Browse mode and choose the appropriate command to define fields, hide or delete fields, create a dynamic report, or reset the Table View. See Working with data in Table View.

If Include column headers is selected, users can resize columns by right-clicking the column header and choosing Table View > Set Column Width. This shortcut menu command is available even if Resizable columns is cleared in the Table View Properties dialog box.

FileMaker Pro Advanced uses the tab order to determine the default order of the columns in Table View. You can reorder the columns if Reorderable columns is selected in the Table View Properties dialog box. For information on reordering columns, see Viewing records as a form, list, or table.

For new layouts, by default the current (or active) record in List View is displayed with a different fill from the other records. To indicate the current record with a solid vertical bar along the left side of the record, choose Layouts menu > Layout Setup. In the General tab of the Layout Setup dialog box, select Show current record indicator in List View. To have the current record appear without a different fill, see Changing a layout part.