Enables or disables the touch keyboard.
Changing a touch keyboard type
•On enables the touch keyboard.
•Off disables the touch keyboard.
•Toggle switches between enabling and disabling the touch keyboard.
Product | Supported |
FileMaker Pro Advanced | Partial |
FileMaker Go | Yes |
FileMaker WebDirect | No |
FileMaker Server | No |
FileMaker Cloud | No |
FileMaker Data API | No |
Custom Web Publishing | No |
Runtime solution | Partial |
FileMaker Pro 14.0
Use this script to enable or disable the touch keyboard in FileMaker Go or Windows. Enable Touch Keyboard is used only for fields; it has no impact on the touch keyboard for dialog boxes.
You can use the Get(TouchKeyboardState) function to check the current setting of the touch keyboard.
•This script step is not supported in Windows 7.
In FileMaker Go, enables the touch keyboard.
Enable Touch Keyboard [On]
Checks the current setting of the touch keyboard and disables the touch keyboard if it is enabled.
If [ Get ( TouchKeyboardState ) = 1]
Enable Touch Keyboard [Off]
End If