Reference > Functions reference > Text functions > Position
Returns the starting position of the specified occurrence of searchString in text.
text - any text expression or text field
searchString - any text expression or text field representing the set of characters you want to find.
start - any numeric expression, or field containing a number, representing the number of characters from the start of the text string at which to begin the search. A start value of 1 or less begins the search from the first character of the text string.
occurrence - any numeric expression or field containing a number, representing which instance of the text string you want to find. The scan begins at the start value and, if occurrence is positive, continues toward the end of the text string; if occurrence is negative, the scan continues toward the beginning of the text string. A zero value for occurrence is invalid and returns a result of zero.
Data type returned 
Originated in 
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
This function is not case sensitive. If searchString isn’t contained in text or if there was no specified occurrence, zero is returned.
Position ( "Mississippi" ; "iss" ; 1 ; 1 ) returns 2.
Position ( "Mississippi" ; "iss" ; 1 ; 2 ) returns 5.
Position ( "Mississippi" ; "iss" ; 3 ; 1 ) returns 5.
Left ( Name ; Position ( Name ; " " ; 1 ; 1 ) - 1 ) returns William, when Name is a text field that contains William Smith.
Right ( Name ; Length ( Name ) - Position ( Name ; " " ; Length ( Name ) ; - 1 ) ) returns Smith.
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