Reference > Functions reference > Text functions > JSONListKeys
Lists the object names (keys) or array indexes in JSON data for an element specified by an object name, an array index, or a path.
json - any text expression or field that contains a JSON object or array.
keyOrIndexOrPath - any text expression or field that specifies a JSON object name (key), an array index, or a path. See Working with the JSON functions.
Data type returned 
Originated in 
FileMaker Pro 16.0
Each returned value, except the last, ends with a carriage return.
This function is not supported in runtime solutions and returns "?".
Example 1 
Gets the names of all objects at the root of the JSON object.
JSONListKeys( "{ \"a\" : 11, \"b\" : 22, \"c\" : 33 }", "" ) returns a¶b¶c.
Example 2 
From the Example JSON data stored in the $$JSON variable, gets the indexes of all elements in the array in the "product" object.
JSONListKeys ( $$JSON ; "bakery.product" ) returns 0¶1¶2.
Example 3 
From the Example JSON data stored in the $$JSON variable, gets the keys of all elements in the first "product" object in the array.
JSONListKeys ( $$JSON ; "bakery.product[0]" ) returns category¶id¶name¶price¶special¶stock.
Related topics 
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Functions reference (alphabetical list)
About formulas
About functions
Defining calculation fields
Using operators in formulas
Working with the JSON functions