This function | Returns |
A list of the names of all files open on the computer. | |
The location, in points, of each field boundary and the field’s rotation in degrees. | |
The specified field’s comment. | |
A list of all field IDs in fileName and layoutName. | |
A list of the names of all fields on layoutName in fileName. | |
The number and orientation of repetitions of a repeating field as formatted on a layout. | |
The field formatting applied to fieldName on layoutName in fileName. | |
Information about fieldName. | |
The next serial number of fieldName in fileName. | |
A list of all layout IDs in fileName. | |
A list of the names of all layouts in fileName. | |
A list of the names of all named objects on layoutName in fileName. | |
A list of four values for each relationship directly related to tableName. | |
A list of all script IDs in fileName. | |
A list of the names of all scripts in fileName. | |
A list of all table IDs in fileName. | |
A list of all table occurrences in the relationships graph for fileName. | |
A list of all value list IDs in fileName. | |
A list of the values in a value list. | |
A list of the names of all value lists in fileName. | |
A list of the names of windows that are currently open. |