Reference > Functions reference > Text functions
Text functions
Text functions can be used to analyze, rearrange, extract, and build text strings. For example, you could use the MiddleWords function to extract specific words from supplied text.
Text functions operate on these parameters:
fields of type text
text constants (in quotation marks)
expressions having a text result
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This function
Does this
Returns the characters for the Unicode code points in the number.
Returns the Unicode code points for the characters in the text.
Returns 1 (true) if the contents of any two fields match; otherwise, returns 0 (false).
Returns from textToFilter only those characters specified in filterText, in the order they were originally entered in textToFilter.
Returns a text result containing only the values that were provided in filterValues, in the order they were originally entered in textToFilter.
Converts Japanese text to Hiragana, Katakana, or Roman text.
Returns text converted to the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) format.
Returns dates in text as field type date.
Returns only the numbers in text, as field type number.
Returns text converted to the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format.
Returns data as field type text.
Returns times or timestamps in text as field type time.
Returns text as field type timestamp.
Returns text as URL (Uniform Resource Locator) encoding, for use as a URL.
Returns the requested value given by valueNumber from listOfValues.
Converts Katakana (Hankaku and Zenkaku) in text to Hiragana.
Converts Zenkaku Katakana to Hankaku Katakana.
Converts Hankaku Katakana to Zenkaku Katakana.
Converts Arabic numerals to Kanji numerals.
Converts Hiragana to Zenkaku Katakana.
Returns the specified numberOfCharacters in text, counting from the left.
Returns values contained in text, according to the specified numberOfValues, counting from the left.
Returns text containing the specified numberOfWords in text, counting from the left.
Returns the number of characters in a field, including all spaces, numbers, and special characters.
Returns all letters in specified text as lowercase.
Extracts the specified numberOfCharacters from text, starting at the specified character position.
Returns text containing the specified numberOfValues in text, starting at startingValue.
Returns text containing the specified numberOfWords from specified text, starting at startingWord.
Converts Arabic numerals to Japanese text.
Returns the number of occurrences of searchString in text.
Returns the starting position of the specified occurrence of searchString in text.
Returns the first letter of each word in text as uppercase and all other letters as lowercase.
Returns the text form of text enclosed in quotation marks.
Replaces a string of characters in specified text with replacementText.
Returns the specified numberOfCharacters in text, counting from the right.
Returns values contained in text, according to the specified numberOfValues, counting from the right.
Returns text containing the specified numberOfWords in text, counting from the right.
Converts from Zenkaku alphanumeric and symbols to Hankaku alphanumeric and symbols.
Converts from Hankaku alphanumeric and symbols to Zenkaku alphanumeric and symbols.
Returns specified text and numbers, with the numbers incremented by the specified amount.
Returns a text string with every occurrence of searchString in specified text replaced by replaceString.
Returns text stripped of all leading and trailing spaces.
Returns a copy of text with specified spaces (such as spaces between text, or non-Roman spaces such as full- and half-width) removed or inserted.
Returns all letters in specified text as uppercase.
Returns a count of the total number of values in specified text.
Returns a count of the total number of words in specified text.
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