Reference > Script triggers reference > OnGestureTap
Performs a script when a tap gesture is received on a layout (Windows and iOS only).
When the script runs
Before the event has been processed.
Modes in which the trigger can be used
OnGestureTap can be set up to activate in Browse and Find modes.
You can use the Exit Script script step within the triggered script to return True or False.
True: The event that triggered the script proceeds.
False: The event that triggered the script is canceled.
If the triggered script returns no value, the script proceeds and processes the tap normally.
Where the script trigger is activated 
FileMaker Pro 
FileMaker Server 
FileMaker Go 
Custom Web Publishing 
FileMaker WebDirect 
Runtime solution 
Originated in 
FileMaker Pro 13.0
This trigger is not supported in Windows 7.
OnGestureTap will not activate for taps made in active web viewers or active edit boxes.
The following gestures activate this trigger:
Tap with one, two, or three fingers (iOS)
Double-tap with one finger (iOS)
Tap with two fingers (Windows)
If you double-tap with one finger, be aware that the trigger will be activated twice: at the first tap and again at the second tap.
Windows: On Windows devices that support gestures, a two-finger tap activates OnGestureTap in the active window, even if one finger is outside the layout window but within the FileMaker application window.
Windows: If you tap with two fingers, the location of the gesture is the center point between the tapping fingers.
Use Get(TriggerGestureInfo) to get information about the gesture that causes this trigger to activate.
Related topics 
Setting up script triggers
Setting script triggers for layouts
Setting script triggers for objects