Reference > Script steps reference > Fields script steps > Insert Current Time
Insert Current Time
Pastes the current system time into the specified field.
See also 
Insert Current Time [Select; <table::field>]
Select entire contents replaces the contents of a field with the current time. If you do not select this option, Insert Current Time adds the value of the current time to the end of the field's existing data.
Go to target field specifies the field to paste into.
Where the script step runs 
FileMaker Pro 
FileMaker Server 
FileMaker Go 
Custom Web Publishing 
FileMaker WebDirect 
Runtime solution 
Originated in 
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
To perform a calculation with the current time, make sure the receiving field is defined as a Time field.
If the specified field does not exist on the layout where the script is being performed, Insert Current Time returns an error code which can be captured with the Get(LastError) function.
If you manually select field data before you run this script step in FileMaker WebDirect, the script step performs as if you did not make a selection. To select field data before you run this script step in FileMaker WebDirect, use the Set Selection script step.
Example 1 
Goes to the Email History layout, inserts the current time in the Last Sent field, then goes to the original layout.
Go to Layout ["Email History"]
Insert Current Time [Select; Emails::Last Sent]
Go to Layout [original layout]
Related topics 
Set Field script step
Script steps reference (alphabetical list)
Script steps reference (category list)