Creating a solution > Setting file options
Setting file options
You can set preferences for the current file’s default login information, layout, representative icon, spell checking, text handling, and scripts for opening and closing the file. To set preferences for all files, see Setting preferences.
Note  You must log in using the Full Access privilege set to edit items in any tab except the Spelling tab.
To set options for opening and closing the current file:
1. Choose File menu > File Options, and click the Open tab if it is not already selected.
Minimum version allowed to open this file, then choose a version from the list
Prevent a file from being opened with a version of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, or FileMaker Server that’s earlier than the specified version.
The file must be local and not shared when the option is set. However, once the option is set, the file can be hosted remotely. All files will appear in the Hosts tab in the Launch Center, but only qualifying files can be opened. You need exclusive access to the file in order to set this option, so make sure no one else is using the file.
Log in using, then Account Name and Password, and type an account and password
This is the default selection. The default is Log in using selected with the Account Name and Password option set to Admin and a blank password.
Automatically log in using a specific account and password when you open the database. To temporarily bypass the default password and enter a different one, press Shift (Windows) or Option (OS X) while opening the file.
Note  If the default account is valid but the password is invalid, you will be prompted to enter another password.
Log in using, then Guest Account
Automatically log in using a guest account.
Allow Credential Manager to save password (Windows) or Allow Keychain Access to save password (OS X)
Allow saving your password for the current file in your credentials (Windows) or keychain (OS X and iOS).
If this option is not selected, the option to save your password when you are logging in to a server or a solution does not appear.
Require iOS passcode
Require users to use Touch ID or an iOS passcode before FileMaker Go can access its keychain. Users will be asked to use Touch ID or an iOS passcode to log in or to manage the keychain.
Switch to layout, then choose a layout from the list in the Specify Layout dialog box
Display the specified layout whenever you open the file. If you don't select this option, FileMaker Pro opens the layout you displayed when you worked in the file, or opens a layout you specify in a startup script. (See the “Perform script” option below.)
If a layout has been selected, its name appears to the right of the Specify button of this option. To change the layout to use, click Specify, then choose a layout from the list.
Note FileMaker Pro saves your current layout only if the file has been modified in a significant way, such as editing a record or modifying database schema.
Hide all toolbars
Hide all toolbars when you open the file. Toolbars hide as if you ran the Show/Hide Toolbars script step and the Show/Hide Menubar script step.
2. Click OK to save your changes, or click another tab to set additional file options.
To select an icon for the current solution:
1. Choose File menu > File Options, and click the Icon tab.
2. Choose or create an icon to represent the current solution in the Launch Center.
Do this
Display the default FileMaker Pro solution icon or another pre-designed icon
Choose an icon from the list.
Specify a custom image for the solution icon
Click Custom, then select an image file and click Open (Windows) or Insert (OS X).
Supported formats are PNG and JPEG. FileMaker Pro scales the image as needed. For best results on high-resolution displays, select an image that is 288 by 288 pixels.
Note  FileMaker Pro does not display the selected icon on your desktop.
Scale a custom image proportionately to its largest size
Select Scale to Fit, so the image’s width and height fit inside the area.
Scale a custom image proportionately to its smallest size
Select Scale to Fill, so the image’s width and height completely cover the area.
The Icon tab shows how the selected icon will appear in different sizes in the Launch Center.
3. Click OK to save your changes, or click another tab to set additional file options.
Note  If you open an encrypted database file, you might see the default FileMaker Pro solution icon unless the file was previously opened.
To set spelling options for the current file:
1. Choose File menu > File Options, and click the Spelling tab.
Indicate questionable words with special underline
Mark possible misspelled words with a red dotted underline (in Browse, Find, and Layout modes).
Type without receiving any cues that you might have made a spelling error.
Beep on questionable spellings
Receive an audio cue that you might have made a spelling error.
2. Click OK to save your changes, or click another tab to set additional file options.
Checking spelling as you type can be slower than using the other spelling options if a large amount of text is visible in the active field. See Checking spelling.
To set text handling and data entry options for the current file:
Note  You must log in using the Full Access privilege set to edit items in the Text tab.
1. Choose File menu > File Options, and click the Text tab.
2. In the Text Handling area, select one or more of the following options:
Use smart quotes
Use curly quotation marks and curly apostrophes. If this option is deselected or you use a font that doesn't have curly quotes, FileMaker Pro uses plain (straight) quotes and apostrophes. Changes affect new typing only; they do not affect existing data.
Use Asian language line-breaking
Control Asian language line-breaking. This option is enabled by default. If this option is disabled, standard Asian language rules concerning which characters can start or end a line of text are ignored.
Use Roman language line-breaking
Control standard Roman language line-breaking, including word wrapping. This option is enabled by default. If this option is disabled, letters and spaces are treated equally as symbols, and Roman language words are not treated as units. Instead, a word will wrap to the next line when it exceeds the width of the field or text block, which could occur in mid-word.
Overwrite input when an Asian IME is on (Windows)
Overwrite existing characters at the cursor location with new characters entered by the user when an Asian input method editor (IME) is running. This option is off by default.
3. In the Data Entry area, select one or more of the following options:
Always use current system settings
Use the current system settings for data entry of numbers, dates, and times. This option is on by default.
Always use file’s saved settings
Use the system settings saved with the file for display and data entry of numbers, dates, and times.
Ask whenever settings are different
Prompt the user to choose which system settings to use when entering data in a number, date, time, or timestamp field that was created using system settings that are different from the current system settings.
4. Click OK to save your changes, or click another tab to set additional file options.
To add, change, or delete a script trigger for a file:
1. Choose File menu > File Options, and click the Script Triggers tab.
2. Select one or more script triggers in the list.
Run a script each time you open a window of a database file when no other windows for the file are currently open. See OnFirstWindowOpen.
Run a script each time you close the last open window of a database file. See OnLastWindowClose.
Run a script each time you open a window of a database file. See OnWindowOpen.
Run a script each time you close a window of a database file. See OnWindowClose.
Run a script if a media file is playing from a field or URL, and a user or a script step setting changes the playback state. See OnFileAVPlayerChange.
3. Click OK to save your changes, or click another tab to set additional file options.
Related topics 
Creating a FileMaker Pro file
Defining automatic data entry
Defining field validation
Opening files protected with passwords
Automating tasks with scripts
Setting up script triggers
Actions that don’t activate script triggers