Converting files from FileMaker Pro 11 and earlierYou must convert files created in FileMaker Pro 11 and earlier to the FileMaker Pro 12 format in order to use them with the current FileMaker Pro version.
• You can only convert files created in FileMaker Pro version 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, or 11.x to the FileMaker Pro 12 format. See Conversion overview and Converting FileMaker Pro databases earlier than version 7.x. After conversion, files will only be compatible with FileMaker Pro 12 and later supported versions.
• Manual corrections may be necessary. You might need to correct items in the converted file that did not convert properly. In some cases, you may need to correct items in the original file and then convert the file again. After you convert any file, you should review the Conversion.log file for items that may need to be corrected.
• You should test the converted file. The Conversion.log file may not indicate every item in the file that needs to be corrected. Before you begin using a converted database solution, you should test it thoroughly to make sure every aspect has converted successfully. For example, make sure every script works as you expect, and that accounts and privilege sets provide the required file security.
• Converted files may be larger than the original files. Part of the conversion process increases the file size of databases. Though the size increase is typically not significant, the increase varies by file. Make sure you have adequate storage space before converting files.For additional information about converting databases, refer to the FileMaker Knowledge Base available at