Example: Charting delimited data
2. The file opens in Browse mode in Table View. FileMaker Pro creates the first table and layout for you. Both have the same name as the file.
3. Click View As in the layout bar to go to Form View, then click Edit Layout to switch to Layout mode.
4. Select the Customer Count field and field label and drag them down about an inch.
5. Select the Country field and drag its handles down until you see 5 rows in the field.
6. Select the Customer Count field and drag its handles down until you see 5 rows in the field.
7. Choose Layouts menu > Save Layout, then click Exit Layout to save the changes and return to Browse mode.Tip You can select Save layout changes automatically (do not ask) if you want the layout changes saved when you exit.
1. Click New Record in the status toolbar.
2. In the Country field, type the following, pressing Enter (Windows) or Return (OS X) after each country name.
3. In the Customer Count field, type the following, pressing Enter (Windows) or Return (OS X) after each value.
1. Click Edit Layout in the layout bar to switch to Layout mode.
3. Click the Chart tool in the status toolbar, then click in the body layout part and drag a large rectangle where you want the chart to appear.
5. In the Chart area of the Chart inspector, enter the following:
Type Customers by Country. Choose Column.
6. Click Done.
7. Choose Layouts menu > Save Layout, then click Exit Layout to save the changes and return to Browse mode.