Sort Records
Perform without dialog prevents display of a dialog box when the script step executes that lets the user enter a different set of sort instructions.
Select Specify sort order or click Specify to create a sort order and store it with the script step. When Specify sort order is not selected, FileMaker Pro uses the most recently executed sort instructions.
Select Keep records in sorted order to place a new or changed record that’s in sorted order into the adjusted order after the record is committed. When this checkbox is deselected, new or changed records stay in the same position in the sort order until a find request is performed or the records are sorted by different criteria.
Where the script step runs
FileMaker Server scheduled script
Each Sort Records script step can store a unique sort order; the sorting instructions are stored with the step, not the script. You can use this step several times within the same script and store a different sort order for each occurrence.
Note Items in the sort order that aren’t valid when the script step is performed are ignored. When you specify a sort order in a database containing multiple
tables, FileMaker Pro stores the table name for each sort field in the sort order. For example, a sort order using the Last Name field of the Contacts table is stored in the sort order as Contacts::Last Name. If the Sort Records script step is performed when a table other than Contacts is the active table, Contacts::Last Name cannot be evaluated, and is ignored in the sort order.