Setting up recurring importsYou can set up a FileMaker Pro file to automatically update data imported from another file, such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Recurring import occurs automatically every time you open the file and the first time you view the layout containing the data from the external file. Later, you can run a script to update data.When you set up recurring imports, FileMaker Pro creates a new table for the imported data and a new layout to display the data. You can customize the layout in Layout mode later, if you wish.Each time you update data, FileMaker Pro deletes data in the recurring import layout and replaces it with current data from the external file. Data imported via recurring import cannot be modified or added to in FileMaker Pro.Note To set up recurring imports, you must open a file with an account that is assigned the Full Access privilege set. For information about privilege sets, see About accounts, privilege sets, and extended privileges. Users do not need to use an account with Full Access privileges to use recurring import after it has been set up in a file.
3. For Files of type (Windows) or Show (Mac OS), select the type of file you want to import. For example, choose Excel Workbooks (*xlsx).
7. Accept the default layout name or type a new name for the layout FileMaker Pro will create to display the imported data.
9. Click OK.
The new layout appears in Browse mode in Table View. For more information about Table View, see Viewing records as a form, list, or table.
• Recurring import creates a new table and layout for imported data. If you want to add imported data to an existing table or layout in your database, see Importing data into FileMaker Pro.
• Data changes in external files must be saved in the original application before FileMaker Pro can import them.
• Recurring import is an import-only process. To make changes to the data, first modify data in the source file. Next import data in the FileMaker Pro file by clicking the script button on the recurring import layout. If changes are made to the data while the FileMaker Pro file is closed, data on the recurring import layout will update the first time you view the layout during your next FileMaker Pro session.
• When data is imported for the first time, FileMaker Pro creates an Import log file in the folder that contains the FileMaker Pro file. This log file is updated each time data is imported into any FileMaker Pro file located in this folder.
• When you use the script button to update data, FileMaker Pro deletes all previously imported records, reimports the data, and creates new records for any new data found in the external file.
• As your needs grow, you might find that you want to modify the import script. For more information about planning and creating scripts, see Creating scripts to automate tasks.
• The automatically generated script FileMaker Pro creates for recurring import is not supported in a FileMaker Server scheduled script.