RGBReturns an integer number from 0 to 16777215 obtained by combining the red, green, and blue values (each ranging from 0 to 255) to represent a color.green - any numeric expression or numeric field containing a value ranging from 0 to 255blue - any numeric expression or numeric field containing a value ranging from 0 to 255FileMaker Pro 7.0Numbers returned by this function can be passed as the color parameter in the TextColor or TextColorRemove functions. The RGB function uses the following formula to calculate the result:red * 2562 + green * 256 + bluewhere 2562 = 65536
• (Windows) In Layout mode, click the Fill Color palette in the formatting bar and choose Other Color. Values are shown for each of the basic colors.
• (Mac OS) Start the DigitalColor Meter application in the Applications/Utilities folder. Choose RGB As Actual Value, 8-bit. Move the pointer over colors onscreen to see their values.RGB(255;0;0) returns 16711680 representing red.RGB(0;255;0) returns 65280 representing green.RGB(0;0;255) returns 255 representing blue.RGB(0;0;0) returns 0 representing black.RGB(255;255;255) returns 16777215 representing white.Using a table with text fields FirstName and LastName, specify the following auto-enter calculation for a third field called FullName that displays FirstName in orange and LastName in purple:TextColor(FirstName;RGB(255;165;0)) &" "& TextColor(LastName;RGB(160;32;240))