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Text functions Text functions can be used to analyze, rearrange, extract, and build text strings. For example, you could use the MiddleWords function to extract specific words from supplied text. Text functions operate on these parameters: • fields of type text • text constants (in quotation marks) • expressions having a text result Click a function name for details. This function Returns Char Returns the characters for the Unicode code points in the number. Code Returns the Unicode code points for the characters in the text. If zero characters are in the text, returns 0. Exact 1 (True) for an exact match, or 0 (False) for a mismatch between two text strings or container fields. Filter Only the specified characters, in the order that they were originally entered in the text. FilterValues Only the specified values, in the order that they were originally entered in the text. GetAsCSS The specified text, converted to the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) format. GetAsDate Dates in the specified text as field type date, for use in formulas involving dates or date functions. GetAsNumber Numbers in the specified text as field type number, for use with formulas involving numbers or numeric functions. GetAsSVG The specified text, converted to the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format. GetAsText The specified number, date, time or timestamp as field type text, for use with formulas involving text or text functions. GetAsTime Times or timestamps in the specified text as field type time, for use with formulas involving the time or timestamp functions. GetAsTimestamp The specified data as field type timestamp, for use with formulas involving timestamps. GetAsURLEncoded The specified text, converted with URL (Uniform Resource Locators) encoding. GetValue A specific value from a list of values. Hiragana Hiragana converted from Katakana (Hankaku and Zenkaku). KanaHankaku Hankaku Katakana converted from Zenkaku Katakana. KanaZenkaku Zenkaku Katakana converted from Hankaku Katakana. KanjiNumeral Kanji numerals converted from Arabic numerals. Katakana Zenkaku Katakana converted from Hiragana. Left The specified number of characters in the text, counting from the left. LeftValues The specified number of values in the text, counting from the left. LeftWords The specified number of words in the text, counting from the left. Length The number of characters in the specified text, including all spaces, numbers, and special characters. Lower All letters in the specified text as lowercase. Middle The specified number of characters in the text, starting at a specified character position. MiddleValues The specified number of values in the text, starting with a specified value. MiddleWords The specified number of words in the text, starting with a specified word. NumToJText Roman numbers converted to Japanese text. PatternCount The number of occurrences of a search string in the specified text. Position The specified occurrence of a search string, starting from a specified position. Proper The first letter of each word in the specified text as uppercase, and all other letters as lowercase. Quote The specified text surrounded by quotation marks (“ ”). Replace A new string of characters consisting of the specified text as modified by the specified replacement text. Right The specified number of characters in the text, counting from the right. RightValues The specified number of values in the text, counting from the right. RightWords The specified number of words in the text, counting from the right. RomanHankaku Hankaku (alphanumeric & symbols) converted from Zenkaku (alphanumeric & symbols). RomanZenkaku Zenkaku (alphanumeric & symbols) converted from Hankaku (alphanumeric & symbols). SerialIncrement The combined text and numbers in a specified value, with the numbers incremented by the specified amount. Substitute A text string with every occurrence of a specified search string in the text replaced by a specified replacement string. Trim Text stripped of all leading and trailing spaces. TrimAll Text with full width spaces between non-Roman and Roman characters removed. Upper All letters in the specified text as uppercase. ValueCount A count of the total number of values in the specified text. WordCount A count of the total number of words in the specified text.