If your solution will be used on Mac OS X, bind it using the Developer Utilities for Mac OS X.
If you’re creating a solution to be used on both Windows and the Mac OS, create two separate runtime solutions by binding the original solution files twice: once using FileMaker Developer Utilities for Windows, and again using FileMaker Developer Utilities for Mac. Use the same binding key on both platforms.
In addition, if you have been preparing multiple files in separate folders, you need to verify FileMaker data source references. A data source stores the file path or paths that the runtime application searches to access an external table, script, or value list.
During the development of a database with multiple files, you may want to have some of the files in separate folders. During the creation of a runtime database solution, however, all files are moved into the same folder as the runtime application.
For this reason, include a path that is just the filename of the file being referenced. Although the runtime application will check other data sources, it will then be able to find the file in the same folder in which it resides. You can still keep any absolute or relative paths in the same data source in case the files are also used in FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Pro Advanced.
The Manage External Data Sources dialog box lists the data sources in the current database. Be sure that for each FileMaker data source, there is a reference in the File Path that is to the filename only, without any folders. The data source will look like this:
file:MyFile.fmp12. See
Connecting to data sources for more information.
Tip You may want to put multiple tables in one file to avoid problems with FileMaker data source references.