Finding duplicate values
You can find all records for which one or more fields contain duplicate values. For example, you might want to find all records that aren't unique, then examine them to decide which records to use or delete.
To find all duplicate records:
For more information, see Making a find request.
! in the Company field finds all records containing ABC Company and DEF Ltd. when duplicate values exist
!ABC in the Company field finds all records containing ABC Company when duplicate values exist
One field by itself is often not sufficient to determine the uniqueness of a record. If several fields taken together determine uniqueness, you can create a calculation field (returning a text result) that concatenates the values of several fields, and then perform a find for duplicate records on that field. For example, you could use the formula First Name & Last Name & Phone Number to concatenate three fields. For more information, see Defining calculation fields.
When determining uniqueness in text fields, FileMaker Pro looks at the first 100 characters in each field.
Related topics 
Replacing the contents of a field
Defining automatic data entry
Defining calculation fields
Working with related tables and files
Summarizing data in portals