Troubleshooting layouts with summary or subsummary parts
If summary data is missing or incorrect in summary reports created in Layout mode, try the following troubleshooting tips.
Note  You can create dynamic reports in Browse mode in Table View. For more information, see Creating dynamic reports in Table View.
When you create a summary report in Layout mode without using the new Layout/Report assistant, you must define a summary field for each field you want summarized. You then place these summary fields in the subsummary or grand summary layout part.
Before printing or previewing a report created in Layout mode, sort by all of the break fields on which your subsummaries are based, and switch to Preview mode to see how your report will look when printed.
Records with no value in the break fields will sort to the top and can thus give the appearance of no data. You can omit records with blank values in the break field before running a subsummary report. For details, see Finding records.
Make sure data has been entered consistently in the break field. For example, be sure that FileMaker, Inc. is not sometimes entered as FM. Use a value list to ensure consistency during data entry.
In Layout mode, make sure fields aren't touching or crossing the part boundaries.
You can change the focus of a report by specifying a different break field for a subsummary part. For example, in a sales report with a subsummary part containing a summary field for sales, you can select Month for the break field to get monthly totals or Salesperson to get individual performance totals.
To focus attention on summary information, create a report with no body, just subsummary or grand summary parts. You don't need to include fields in a body part to summarize them in a summary part.
When you create a report in the New Layout/Report assistant, fields that are in summary parts display the part-specific style, not the default theme style.
If you have used the Field tool to add a field to a summary part and the text is difficult to see, use the Inspector or the Format Painter to copy the style you want from another field.
Tip  For a report created in Layout mode, you can view subsummary data in Browse mode when you view the file in Table View or List View and records are sorted by break fields.