Column, bar, line, and area chartsTo get started creating a chart, see Creating quick charts or Creating and editing charts in Layout mode.If you are charting delimited data stored in a single record or data from related records, you must specify data source settings. See Specifying the data source for a chart.
Type a title or click, choose Specify Field Name or Specify Calculation, complete the dialog box, and click OK.
Clickto specify a data series for the x-axis. This is the data you are comparing (for example, company name).
4. If you’re creating a quick chart and it contains summary data, you can click the Summary menu in the Chart inspector and select a different summary type. See Summary types for charts.
Type a title or click, choose Specify Field Name or Specify Calculation, complete the dialog box, and click OK.
• To specify an additional data series for the y-axis, click Add a Y Series, then repeat this step to complete the Series Name (title) and Data settings.
• Area chart: In a multi-series area chart, the layered order of the data series reflects the order in which y-series are defined in the Chart Setup dialog box. The first series in the list appears on top followed by the next series in the list. Choose a symbol to mark each data point in the chart, or choose None to hide symbols. Symbol color in the final chart is determined by the color scheme setting in the Styles area of the Chart inspector. See Changing the look of a chart.
6. If you are charting multi-series data, select Show Legend to display a legend in the chart. To change labels in the legend, edit the Series Name and click outside the text box.
8. To change the color scheme, legend appearance, or font style, click Style in the Chart inspector. See Changing the look of a chart.
9. Click Print or Save as Layout (quick charts) or Done (Layout mode charts) to finish the chart. See Creating quick charts or Creating and editing charts in Layout mode.