Supported client applications
FileMaker Server supports the following client applications:
FileMaker Server: FileMaker Pro 19 (version 19.4.2 or later), FileMaker Pro 20
FileMaker Server: FileMaker Go 19 (version 19.4.2 or later), FileMaker Go 20
FileMaker Server: ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) and JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) client applications using the FileMaker client drivers. The FileMaker ODBC and JDBC drivers are available in the xDBC folder in the installation disk image and on the FileMaker downloads page. See FileMaker ODBC and JDBC Guide and FileMaker Pro Help.
Web users accessing data via the FileMaker Server Web Publishing Engine using FileMaker WebDirect, Custom Web Publishing with PHP (Windows and macOS only), and Custom Web Publishing with XML.
Web services or applications accessing data through the Claris FileMaker Data API and the OData API.
Make sure users have applied the most recent update of their client software.
For additional information about supported clients and licensing requirements, see the FileMaker Server system requirements.
Windows and macOS: Due to Java licensing changes, FileMaker Server no longer installs a Java Developer Kit (JDK) needed for using Custom Web Publishing and FileMaker WebDirect. To use web-related services, you must install either OpenJDK or Oracle Java. After enabling the Web Publishing Engine on the primary and each secondary machine in Admin Console, follow the onscreen instructions that appear. For details and installation steps, search for "JDK" in the Knowledge Base.