About FileMaker Server

FileMaker Server is a dedicated database server that opens FileMaker Pro files, makes them available to clients on your network, and publishes FileMaker data in web pages or to other applications supported by the FileMaker Server Web Publishing Engine and the FileMaker Data API Engine.

FileMaker Server Admin Console

FileMaker Server Admin Console is a web application that lets you configure and administer FileMaker Server; work with, monitor, and share data from hosted databases; and manage connected clients.

You can run Admin Console on the same machine where FileMaker Server is running or on almost any machine that has network access to FileMaker Server. See Starting Admin Console.

Supported clients

  • FileMaker Pro 19, FileMaker Pro 20, FileMaker Go 19 and FileMaker Go 20

  • Web users accessing data via the FileMaker Server Web Publishing Engine using FileMaker WebDirect, Custom Web Publishing with PHP, and Custom Web Publishing with XML

  • Web services or applications using the FileMaker Data API to access data in hosted solutions

  • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) clients using the FileMaker client drivers