Ports used by FileMaker Server

When running FileMaker Server in an environment that uses a firewall, be sure to configure the firewall on each machine to allow FileMaker Server to communicate. For a complete list of ports, see the Knowledge Base.

Ports used by FileMaker Server

Note  These services are not supported by Claris Server.

The following table shows the ports that must be open in a firewall in order for FileMaker clients and Admin Console to communicate with FileMaker Server. Not all of the ports need to be open to clients or between all machines or clients indicated in the "Used by" column in a FileMaker Server deployment. The "Open ports" column indicates ports that must be open to support client connections. The "Available ports" column indicates ports used locally on the machine listed in the “Used by” column. These ports must not be used for anything else but don't need to be opened in a firewall.

Used by

Open ports

Available ports

FileMaker Server, primary machine

80, 443, 2399, and 5003

  • Database Server: 1895, 5013, 16001, 16004, 50003, and 50004

  • Web Publishing Engine: 3000, 8998, 9889, 9898, 16003, 16020, and 16021

FileMaker Server, secondary machine (FileMaker Server only)

80, 443, and 16003

1895, 5013, 16001, 16004, 50003, and 50004

FileMaker Pro

80, 443, and 5003

FileMaker Go

80, 443, and 5003

FileMaker WebDirect

80 and 443

FileMaker Custom Web Publishing (FileMaker Server only)

80 and 443

ODBC/JDBC (FileMaker Server only)


FileMaker Data API


FileMaker Admin Console

