FileMaker Server event log messages

The following is an alphabetical list and explanation of some of the log file messages you might see in the Event.log or in the Windows Event Viewer. Variables returned by FileMaker Server or the operating system, such as the name of the destination or file, are in square brackets ([]).

Note  In macOS, FileMaker Server Helper writes events to the Event.log.

Bonjour service is either not installed or not running. FileMaker Server will not be visible to FileMaker clients. (FileMaker Server only)

This message can occur on Windows only. The Bonjour service is not installed or not running when FileMaker Server starts. The result is that FileMaker Server does not appear in the local hosts list in the Hosts dialog box for FileMaker Pro clients, or in the Launch Center of FileMaker Go clients. However, users can still connect to FileMaker Server by specifying an IP address or host name.

To fix this problem, start Bonjour from the Services control panel before starting FileMaker Server.

Client [client name 1] denied access because the license key is already in use by client [client name 2].

Two clients cannot use the same license key. [Client name 2] must enter a unique license key in FileMaker Pro.

Client [client name] no longer responding; connection closed. ([error number])

A connected client's computer has stopped communicating with FileMaker Server because of a network disruption or a software error.

Closing database [filename] due to serious error. ([error number])

The specified file is being closed by FileMaker Server because of an error condition. The file may need to be recovered in an earlier version of FileMaker Pro. See Claris Pro and FileMaker Pro Help.

Database [filename] could not be opened. Database may be damaged; use the Recover command in FileMaker Pro.

The specified file failed the consistency check. Try opening the file in FileMaker Pro: start the FileMaker Pro application, then open the file and follow any onscreen instructions. (See Claris Pro and FileMaker Pro Help for information about recovering files.) Then try opening the file with FileMaker Server. See Opening hosted files.

Database [filename] could not be opened in its current state: open it in FileMaker Pro first.

The database might be in an older format. Databases need to be in FileMaker Pro 12 (FMP12) format for FileMaker Server or Claris Pro (CLARIS) format for Claris Pro before you can host them using the current version of the host. Convert the database file to FMP12 or CLARIS format. See Claris Pro and FileMaker Pro Help.

Database or temporary file [filename] is damaged and has been closed. ([error number])

The database or its associated temporary file is damaged. Try opening the file in FileMaker Pro: start the FileMaker Pro application, then open the file and follow any onscreen instructions. (See Claris Pro and FileMaker Pro Help for information about recovering files.) Then try opening the file with FileMaker Server.

Database [filename] was not closed properly, performing consistency check.

The specified file was in use when FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Server shut down abnormally; therefore, FileMaker Server performs a file consistency check to examine the file's blocks.

Database or temporary file [filename] low disk space, only [number] KB free! Searched temporary files and freed [number] KB.

The disk containing the hosted database or the temporary files is getting low on free space. FileMaker Server attempted to increase space by deleting temporary files. Use your operating system tools to increase the free space on the disk so the database files can expand. If the free space gets too low, FileMaker Server reports an error and does not allow changes to the databases.

Deleted backup folder [foldername].

The specified maximum backups to keep was exceeded and the Database Server deleted the oldest backup folder.

Deleting backup folder(s) to free [x] KB of disk space needed for new backup.

The Database Server detected that there is not enough free disk space to make a complete copy of the databases that are part of the backup. If the Database Server can free up enough space to make a new backup by deleting old backups, it logs this message.

Error during progressive backup of [database]; a newer copy will be used or made. Obsolete remote container directory could not be deleted: "[directory]". ([errorcode])

Because of an error during progressive backup, a newer copy had to be made. A database could not be moved to a new folder.

Error during progressive backup of [database], a newer copy will be used or made. Database could not be moved from [foldername] to [foldername]. ([errorcode])

When FileMaker Server creates progressive backups, it starts by creating a full backup of all hosted databases. After the initial full backup is complete, FileMaker Server subsequently copies the changed blocks from the hosted file to the backup folder, on a frequency based on what is specified for the save interval setting. If the database could not be copied to the backup folder, then FileMaker Server makes a newer copy.

Error during progressive backup of [database], a newer copy will be used or made. Unable to create hard link to [database]. ([errorcode])

This error occurs in rare cases when a database is locked by the user, and the older progressive backup database copy can't be used. FileMaker Server could not make a hard link to the older progressive backup copy of the database, so a new copy is made.

Error during progressive backup of [database], a newer copy will be used or made. Unable to delete obsolete database "[database]". ([errorcode])

This error occurs in rare cases when a database is locked by the user, and the older progressive backup database copy can't be deleted.

Error occurred while deleting backup folder [foldername], some files or folders could not be deleted. ([error number])

Some other process is using files in the specified backup folder or using the backup folder or subfolders. For example, another program is copying the backups to offline storage, or you opened a command line window on Windows, changed the path to the backup folder, and left the window open.

Error occurred while renaming backup folder [foldername], some files or folders could not be renamed. ([error number])

Some other process is using files in the specified backup folder or using the backup folder and any of its subfolders. For example, you opened a command line window in Windows, changed the path to the backup folder, and left the window open.

FileMaker Server is going to sleep. The entire cache will be flushed. All schedules will be suspended.

If the server computer is configured to sleep during periods of inactivity, before doing so the operating system prompts each open service or application to find out if the service or application can accommodate energy-saving mode. If any clients are currently connected to a hosted database, FileMaker Server denies the sleep request and the server computer does not sleep. If no clients are connected, FileMaker Server writes any unsaved changes to disk (flushes the cache) and allows the server computer to sleep. During sleep, all scheduled tasks are suspended and do not run again until the next scheduled time when the server computer is awake.

Tip  Disable screen savers and sleep (or hibernate and standby) mode on the server. These operating system features reduce performance or suspend access to hosted databases.

FileMaker Server quitting! An unrecoverable error occurred. ([error number])

FileMaker Server detects a severe error during network use because of a network failure or other causes. Check network installation, settings, and the system error log.

Opened database [filename] read only because it has multiple hard links and may be a FileMaker Server backup file. You must make a copy of the file and open the copy to make changes.

When opening a file, if FileMaker Server finds that a database file has multiple hard links, FileMaker Server assumes that the file may be a backup file, so it is opened for read only. To correct this issue, close the database file, make a copy of it, and host the copy rather than the original file.

Opening database [filename] with consistency check...

FileMaker Server is opening a database and performing a consistency check because a Verify Database schedule is running or you manually ran the Verify or Verify All command on the Databases page.

Renamed backup folder [foldername] to [foldername].

You renamed a backup schedule in Admin Console and the Database Server renamed the existing backup folders for that schedule.

Schedule [schedule name] aborted; [destination] could not be found.

The specified destination could not be found. If the destination is an external or network drive, connect the drive or network. Try again after the destination volume drive is correctly set up.

Schedule [schedule name] aborted; no open databases to operate on.

The schedule specifies a folder in which FileMaker Server currently has no databases open. Make sure that the schedule specifies the correct folder to operate on and that all databases have been opened correctly.

Schedule [schedule name] aborted; the destination [destination] is not writable.

The specified destination is not accessible, and the schedule is now disabled. Try again after the destination is correctly set up.

SECURITY: Database [filename] cannot be opened because it is insecure. Host password-protected databases only is enabled.

By default, the following types of databases cannot be opened:

  • databases that have a Guest account using the Full Access privilege set

  • databases that have a Full Access account with an empty password

  • databases that have a Full Access account with the password stored in the database using the File Options dialog box Log in using option

If you need to host insecure database files, use the CLI command:

fmsadmin set serverconfig securefilesonly=false

Restart FileMaker Server for the change to take effect. See Using the command line interface.

SECURITY: The SSL certificate has expired; for better security, import a valid custom SSL certificate.

Contact the certificate authority to renew the SSL certificate.

Unable to create or write to backup folder [path]. Progressive backup is disabled.

You may see this message if the FileMaker Server user account does not have write access to the folder specified as the progressive backup folder.