Loading schedules settings

Important  Whenever you load a schedule settings file, all existing schedules—backup schedules, script schedules, message schedules, and verify database schedules—are deleted and replaced by the schedules in the schedule settings file. You cannot merge schedule settings from multiple FileMaker Server deployments.

Before loading the schedule settings file, make sure you have created a folder structure in the new FileMaker Server installation that is identical to the source server installation. Copy the databases, scripts, and other solution files from the source installation to the new FileMaker Server installation, and set the appropriate permissions on macOS. Copy the schedule settings file to the new installation if you are installing on a different machine. For additional information, see Saving and loading schedules.

  1. In Admin Console for the new FileMaker Server installation, click the Configuration > Script and Verify Schedules tab or the Backups > Backup Schedules tab.

  2. Choose Save or Load > Load All Schedules.

  3. Click Browse and select the schedule settings file, then click Open (Windows) or Choose (macOS).

  4. Click Load to load the schedule settings file into FileMaker Server.

  5. For detailed information about the schedules that were loaded, see the LoadSchedules.log file in the Logs folder.


  • When you load the schedule settings file in the new FileMaker Server installation, FileMaker Server automatically updates the relative paths in the schedules that refer to folders, databases, and scripts located within the default database folder structure. If you moved the folders, databases, and scripts to different folders in the new installation, click Settings to change the paths in all schedules to refer to those folders, databases, and scripts in their new folders. See Creating or changing a script schedule for configuration instructions.

  • If necessary, upload any missing databases and move any missing folders, script files, external files for script sequences, or plug-ins to the correct folders.