Enabling the Install Plug-In File script step to update plug-ins

If your hosted database files use the Install Plug-In File script step, you can enable the script step to update server-side plug-in files.

To enable the Install Plug-In File script step to update a FileMaker Script Engine (FMSE) plug-in file:

  1. In Admin Console, click the Connectors > Plug-ins tab.

  2. For Server Plug-ins, set FileMaker Script Engine Plug-ins and Install Plug-in File Script Step to Enabled.

The Install Plug-In File script step updates the plug-in file in the folder on the primary machine in your FileMaker Server deployment.

  • FileMaker Server only, Windows: [drive]:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Database Server\Extensions\

  • FileMaker Server only, macOS: /Library/FileMaker Server/Database Server/Extensions/

  • FileMaker Server only, Linux: /opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Database Server/Extensions/

  • Claris Server only, Linux: /opt/Claris/Server/Extensions/

To enable the Install Plug-In File script step to update a Web Publishing Engine plug-in file:

  1. In Admin Console, click the Connectors > Plug-ins tab.

  2. For Web Publishing Plug-ins, set Web Publishing Plug-ins and Install Plug-in File Script Step to Enabled.

  3. In a single-machine deployment, restart the Web Publishing Engine to apply this change. In a multiple-machine deployment (FileMaker Server only), restart the Web Publishing Engine first on the primary machine, then on the secondary machines, to apply this change from the primary machine to the secondary machines.

The Install Plug-In File script step updates the plug-in file in the folder on the machines running the Web Publishing Engine.

  • FileMaker Server only, Windows: [drive]:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\cwpc\Plugins\

  • FileMaker Server only, macOS: /Library/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/cwpc/Plugins/

  • FileMaker Server only, Linux: /opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/cwpc/Plugins/

  • Claris Server only, Linux: /opt/Claris/Server/WebPublishing/publishing-engine/cwpc/Plugins/

To enable the Install Plug-In File script step to update a FileMaker Data API plug-in file:

  1. In Admin Console, click the Connectors > Plug-ins tab.

  2. For FileMaker Data API Plug-ins, set FileMaker Data API Plug-ins and Install Plug-in File Script Step to Enabled.

  3. Restart the Web Publishing Engine and FileMaker Data API on the primary machine to apply this change.

The Install Plug-In File script step updates the plug-in file in the folder on the machines running the FileMaker Data API.

  • FileMaker Server only, Windows: [drive]:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Web Publishing\publishing-engine\wip\Plugins\

  • FileMaker Server only, macOS: /Library/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/wip/Plugins/

  • FileMaker Server only, Linux: /opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/wip/Plugins/

  • Claris Server only, Linux: /opt/Claris/Server/WebPublishing/publishing-engine/wip/Plugins/


  • Enabling web publishing plug-ins and the Install Plug-In File script step restarts the Web Publishing Engine and disconnects any clients.

  • Because plug-ins are different for Windows and macOS, you should only execute the Install Plug-In File script step from a client that is running on the same operating system as the host machine.

  • For information on using the Install Plug-In File script step, see Claris Pro and FileMaker Pro Help.