Changing the language of the event log

If you prefer to use a different language in the Event.log from the one used by your computer at the time you installed FileMaker Server, you can modify a preferences file on the primary machine.

In the steps below, you can change the locale setting to the name of one of the following supported languages exactly as shown here: English, French, German, Japanese, Italian, or Spanish. (Locale names are case sensitive.)

Note  For Linux, changing the language for the event log is not currently supported.

To change the language used for the Event.log (FileMaker Server only, Windows):

Important  You must be logged in with an account that has administrator privileges.

  1. Stop the Database Server. See Starting or stopping FileMaker Server components.

  2. Navigate to the dbs_config.xml file in the following location:

    [drive]:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Data\Preferences

  3. In the line containing name="SystemLocale", change the name of the locale to one of the supported languages.

    For example, to change the language from Japanese to French, change <key name="SystemLocale" type="string">Japanese</key> to <key name="SystemLocale" type="string">French</key>.

  4. Save your changes.

  5. Restart the Database Server for the change to take effect.

    The next time you open Event.log, the entries will appear in the new language.

To change the language used for the Event.log (FileMaker Server only, macOS):

Important  The following procedure is recommended only for advanced users who are familiar with the Terminal application. You must be logged in as the root user.

  1. Start the Terminal application (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal/).

  2. Stop the Database Server. See Starting or stopping FileMaker Server components.

  3. Log in as the root user.

  4. Navigate to the .plist file in the following location:

    /Library/FileMaker Server/Library/Preferences/ByHost

  5. In the line after <key>System Locale</key>, change the name of the locale to one of the values given above.

    For example, to change the language from Japanese to French, change <string>Japanese</string> to <string>French</string>.

  6. Save your changes.

  7. Restart the Database Server for the change to take effect.

    The next time you open Event.log, the entries will appear in the new language.