System overview

The System Overview area of the Dashboard page shows key information about your FileMaker Server deployment.



Total Connections

The total number of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, and FileMaker WebDirect clients connected to databases hosted by your server.

See Administering clients.

ODBC and JDBC connections (FileMaker Server only), FileMaker Script Engine connections, FileMaker Data API connections, and Custom Web Publishing clients (FileMaker Server only) are not included in this total number.

Concurrent Connections (FileMaker Server only)

The total number of clients connected using a Concurrent Connections License, which can include FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, and FileMaker WebDirect clients.

The top value shows the number of clients connected that count against the client limit established by your license. The bottom value shows the limit of client connections, which is set by your license.

Hosted Databases

The number of databases that FileMaker Server is hosting. The top value shows the number of databases that are open; the bottom value shows the total number of databases that have been placed in the database folders.

See Administering databases.

FileMaker Pro Connections

The number of FileMaker Pro clients connected that count against the client limit established by your license.

See FileMaker Pro connections.

FileMaker Go Connections

The number of FileMaker Go clients connected that count against the client limit established by your license.

FileMaker WebDirect Connections

The number of FileMaker WebDirect clients connected that count against the client limit established by your license.

Additional Connections

The number of FileMaker Pro clients connected that do not count against the client limit established by your license.

See Additional connections.

Server Name

The name assigned to the FileMaker Server deployment. If you are a server administrator, you can change the name on the Configuration > General Settings tab.

See Server information settings.

Server IP Addresses

The IP addresses of the machine running FileMaker Server.

Server Version

The version of FileMaker Server.

FileMaker Server License Expiration (FileMaker Server only)

The date and time your FileMaker Server license expires. To update your license, click Update License to go to the Administration > FileMaker Licenses tab.

See License settings (FileMaker Server only).

SSL Certificate

Information about the SSL certificate installed on your server. Click Details to go to the Configuration > SSL Certificate tab, where you can import an SSL certificate and view detailed information about the SSL certificate that is installed.

Last Backup

The date and time of the last backup of your databases.

See Understanding backup options.

FileMaker Data API Annual Limit

The amount of data that has been sent from hosted databases to clients using the FileMaker Data API.

The top value shows the amount of data that has been sent. The bottom value shows the annual limit, which is set by your license.

ODBC and JDBC Connections (FileMaker Server only)

The number of clients connected to your hosted databases using ODBC and JDBC connections.

The top value shows the number of clients currently connected. The bottom value shows the connection limit set by your license.

See Using ODBC and JDBC with FileMaker Server.

FileMaker Script Engine Connections

The number of script schedules or Perform Script on Server scripts currently running.

The value shows the number of script clients currently connected.

See Scheduling administrative tasks.