Importing a custom SSL certificate

  1. Click the Configuration > SSL Certificate tab.

  2. Click Import Custom Certificate.

    • For Signed Certificate File, click Browse and choose the SSL certificate file that you received from the certificate authority (CA).

    • For Private Key File, click Browse and choose the private key file (serverKey.pem) created in the CStore directory when you created the certificate signing request (CSR). See Creating a certificate signing request.

      If you use a different method to create the CSR—for example using a CA's website—then select the private key file you obtained through that method.

    • If your custom SSL certificate requires an intermediate certificate file, for Intermediate Certificate File, click Browse and choose the intermediate certificate file. If you get a CA certificate bundle from your CA, you can use this file as the intermediate certificate file.

    • For Private Key Password, enter the password used for your private key file when you created the file.

  3. Click Import to import the signed certificate.

  4. Restart FileMaker Server for the new certificate to take effect.

After a certificate is imported, its information is displayed on the Configuration > SSL Certificate tab.


  • When you import a custom SSL certificate, Database Server client connections use SSL and HTTP connections are routed to HTTPS. If you do not import a custom SSL certificate, SSL is not used for database connections and the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) feature is disabled.

  • To remove an imported certificate, use the CLI command fmsadmin certificate delete, and restart FileMaker Server for the change to take effect. See Using the command line interface for the certificate command.

  • Certificate filenames should not include unsupported characters. For example, a certificate filename should not include an asterisk (*) character.