Show/Hide Menubar

Shows or hides the menu bar.


  • Lock prevents the state of the menu bar from being changed (Claris Go and FileMaker Go only).

  • Show shows the menu bar.

  • Hide hides the menu bar.

  • Toggle switches between showing and hiding the menu bar.


Product Supported
FileMaker Pro Partial
FileMaker Go Yes
FileMaker WebDirect Partial
FileMaker Server No
FileMaker Cloud No
FileMaker Data API No
Custom Web Publishing No

Originated in version 



  • This script step is not supported in macOS or when the active window is a card, and returns an error code. The code can be captured with the Get(LastError) function.

Example 1 

If the account is logged in, goes to the Invoices layout and hides the menu bar and status toolbar.

If [Get ( AccountName ) = ""]
    Go to Layout ["Invoices"]
    Show/Hide Menubar [Lock: Off ; Hide]
    Show/Hide Toolbars [Hide]
End If