Placing your chart in the appropriate layout part

Data in charts created in Layout mode is evaluated based on the layout part in which the chart is located.

When you use a calculation to specify a chart title, the title is calculated based on the chart’s layout part.

Note  You cannot place a chart in a portal. However, you can place a chart in a popover within a portal.

When data is based on the current found set

When you place a chart in a

Data is charted in

When Summarized groups of records is selected, data is charted in

Top navigation layout part

The current found set

Every first record in the outermost sorted groups

Header or body layout part

The current found set

Every first record in the outermost sorted groups

Footer layout part

The current found set

Every last record in the outermost sorted groups

Bottom navigation layout part

The current found set

Every last record in the outermost sorted groups

Leading subsummary layout part

All records in the sorted group

Every first record in the sub-group of the sorted group

Trailing subsummary layout part

All records in the sorted group

Every last record in the sub-group of the sorted group

Leading grand summary layout part

The current found set

Every first record in the outermost sorted groups

Trailing grand summary layout part

The current found set

Every last record in the outermost sorted groups


  • Charts placed in a subsummary layout part use data in the sorted group to create the chart. When there is no sort order, FileMaker Pro charts individual data values in the entire found set. Subsummaries are considered inner summaries, because they display aggregate data from a group within the data set based on the sort order you specify.
  • Charts placed in a grand summary layout part use data in the outer-most level of each sorted subsummary group to create the chart. Grand summaries are considered outer summaries, because they display an overall summary of aggregated data based on the entire found set. You can also use grand summary layout parts to summarize each subsummary group.
  • The outer-most sorted groups are the group of records sorted by the first field listed in the Sort Order dialog box.
  • For grand summaries calculated on the current found set, FileMaker Pro assumes you want to chart data in each subsummary group, and therefore expects your x-axis definition (category labels in pie charts) to be the sort field and your y-axis definition (slice data in pie charts) to be a summary field. For example, to create a bar chart that compares the total number of companies per country, you must sort data by country (x-axis or category labels) and summarize data in the Company field (y-axis or slice data) to calculate the number of companies in each country. The summarized values are then charted by country.

When data is based on the current record (delimited values)

When you place a chart in a

Data is charted in the

Header, footer, top or bottom navigation parts, or body layout part

Current record

Leading subsummary layout part

First record in the sorted group

Trailing subsummary layout part

Last record in the sorted group

Leading grand summary layout part

First record in the found set

Trailing grand summary layout part

Last record in the found set

When data is based on related records

When you place a chart in a

Data is charted in the

Header, footer, top or bottom navigation part, or body layout part

Set of related records that is obtained from the relationship between the current record and the related table

Leading subsummary layout part

Set of related records that is obtained from the relationship between the first record in a sorted group and the related table

Trailing subsummary layout part

Set of related records that is obtained from the relationship between the last record in a sorted group and the related table

Leading grand summary layout part

Set of related records that is obtained from the relationship between the first record in the found set and the related table

Trailing grand summary layout part

Set of related records that is obtained from the relationship between the last record in the found set and the related table

Note  If you place a chart in a grand summary part without sorting records, FileMaker Pro will chart data from the entire found set as though the chart had been placed in a header, footer, top or bottom navigation part, or body layout part.

How layout parts affect calculated titles in charts

When you place a chart in a

A title is displayed for a data point from the

Header, footer, top or bottom navigation part, or body layout part

Current record

Leading subsummary layout part

First record in the sorted group

Trailing subsummary layout part

Last record in the sorted group

Leading grand summary layout part

First record in the found set

Trailing grand summary layout part

Last record in the found set