Performs a script if the media is playing from a container layout object, and the state of the player changes. The following events can activate this script trigger:
- a user pauses, plays, or stops the player by using the playback controls or gestures
- a video stops playing at the end of the video
- the player stops playing because the AVPlayer Set Playback State script step was set to Stopped
- a video stops playing because the AVPlayer Play script step starts playing a different video
To set a script trigger when the media is playing from a URL or a container field, see OnFileAVPlayerChange.
When the script runs
After the event has been processed.
Modes in which the trigger can be used
Browse and Find modes.
Product | Supported |
FileMaker Pro | No |
FileMaker Go | Yes |
FileMaker WebDirect | No |
FileMaker Server | No |
FileMaker Cloud | No |
FileMaker Data API | No |
Custom Web Publishing | No |
Originated in version