Install Menu Set

Changes the menu set based on conditions established in the script.


  • Specify the menu set to install.
  • Use as file default overrides the file’s default menu set specified in the Manage Custom Menus dialog box with the menu set specified in this script step. Once you close the file, the default menu set reverts to the one specified in the Manage Custom Menus dialog box. Select the menu set that you want the script step to install from the list.


Product Supported
FileMaker Pro Yes
FileMaker Go Yes
FileMaker WebDirect No
FileMaker Server No
FileMaker Cloud No
FileMaker Data API No
Custom Web Publishing No

Originated in version 


Example 1 

Goes to the Invoice Details layout and installs the Invoices Menu Set if the Print Invoices Menu Set was installed.

Go to Layout ["Invoice Details"]
If [Get ( CustomMenuSetName ) = "Print Invoices Menu Set"]
    Install Menu Set ["Invoices Menu Set" ; Use as file default: Off]
End If