Insert from Device

In FileMaker Go, enters content from a device into a field.


  • Specify target field specifies a container field. For barcodes, you can also specify a text field. If no field is specified, the currently active field is used if it is a container field or text field.

  • Insert from specifies the source type.

    • For Camera, choose Back or Front.

    • For Resolution, choose Full, Large, Medium, or Small.

    • Select Maximum duration to specify the number of seconds a video camera or microphone records. Click Specify to define a duration from a calculation.

    • Select Start immediately to have a video camera or microphone start recording immediately.

    • For Scan from Camera, choose Back or Front.

    • For Scan from Field, choose a field.

    • In the list of Barcode types, select the types of barcodes you want FileMaker Go to scan. By default, all types are selected.

    • For Title, enter a title or a calculated value for the signature capture screen.

    • For Message, enter an informational message or a calculated value for the signature capture screen.

    • For Prompt, enter a prompt or a calculated value to indicate the signature line. This prompt replaces the default "Sign Here."

    • For Presentation, Full Screen displays the signature capture screen in full screen, Overlay displays a modal signature capture screen in front of the document, and Embedded displays a modal signature capture screen within the container field if the field is not too small; otherwise, the option is replaced with Overlay. If you select Overlay or Embedded, users can move and resize the signature capture screen.


Product Supported
FileMaker Pro No
FileMaker Go Yes
FileMaker WebDirect No
FileMaker Server No
FileMaker Cloud No
FileMaker Data API No
Custom Web Publishing No

Originated in version 



This script step enters content into a container field from a music library, photo library, camera, video camera, microphone, or signature; or enters content into a container field or text field from a barcode source.

  • FileMaker Go does not support all types of barcodes.

  • If the target field is a repeating field, you can specify a repetition number or generate a repetition number from a calculated expression.

  • If the target field is a text field, only the text value of the barcode is inserted into the field.

  • If the target field is a container field, an image of the barcode is inserted into the field. The text value of the barcode is also stored in the field. You can retrieve the text value of the barcode with the GetAsText function. You can retrieve the barcode type with the GetContainerAttribute function.


  • If the specified field does not exist on the layout where the script is being performed, Insert from Device returns an error code which can be captured with the Get(LastError) function.

  • In the script editing pane, the selected barcode types are not displayed. To see all settings, print the script or use the Database Design Report.

  • In the Barcode Options dialog box, select:

    • EAN-13 to scan ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 barcodes. Also select ISBN-10 (from EAN-13) if you need to convert a scanned ISBN-13 barcode to the ISBN-10 type.

    • EAN-13 as well as UPC-A or UPC-E to scan UPC-A or UPC-E barcodes.

Example 1 

Inserts a photo taken by the iOS or iPadOS device’s back camera at Full resolution into the File Container field.

Insert from Device [Products::File Container; Type: Camera; Camera: Back; Resolution: Full]

Example 2 

Inserts an image of a barcode taken by the device’s back camera at Small resolution into the container field named UPC. To retrieve the text value of the barcode, use GetAsText(UPC).

Insert from Device [Products::UPC; Type: Barcode; Camera: Back; Resolution: Small]

Example 3 

In the container field named Signature, displays a title, message, and prompt in the signature capture screen. The signature capture screen is displayed within the container field.

Insert from Device [Invoice::Signature; Type: Signature; Title: "Invoice"; Message: "Thank you for your order"; Prompt: "Signature required"; Presentation: Embedded]