Insert Current User Name

Pastes the current user name into a field in the current record or into a variable.


  • Select entire contents replaces the contents of a field or variable. If you don’t select this option:
    • For a field, replaces only the selected portion of the active field, or inserts data at the insertion point. The default insertion point is at the end of the field's data.
    • For a variable that doesn’t have container data, inserts data at the end of the variable’s current value. For a variable that has container data, replaces the contents of the variable.
  • Target specifies the field to paste into or the variable to set. If the variable doesn’t exist, this script step creates it (see Using variables).


Product Supported
FileMaker Pro Yes
FileMaker Go Yes
FileMaker WebDirect Yes
FileMaker Server Yes
FileMaker Cloud Yes
FileMaker Data API Yes
Custom Web Publishing Yes

Originated in version 

6.0 or earlier


You must specify a target variable, specify a target field on the current layout, click in a field, or use the Go to Field script step before performing this script step. If Target is not specified, the data is placed in the active field. Otherwise, this script step returns an error code that can be captured with the Get(LastError) function.

The user name is the user-specified name displayed on the General tab of the Preferences dialog box in FileMaker Pro; for FileMaker Go, it is the user-specified device name in iOS or iPadOS. To track user access to a database with more security, use the Get(AccountName) function to return the current user’s account name.

In FileMaker WebDirect, Insert Current User Name pastes the current user’s account name, not the current user name.


  • If you manually select field data before you run this script step in FileMaker WebDirect, the script step performs as if you did not make a selection. To select field data before you run this script step in FileMaker WebDirect, use the Set Selection script step.

Example 1 

Goes to the Email History layout, inserts the current user name in the Sent by field, then goes to the original layout.

Go to Layout ["Email History"]
Insert Current User Name [Select; Emails::Sent by]
Go to Layout [original layout]