Delete Portal Row
Deletes the selected portal row.
With dialog specifies whether to display a dialog box when the script step is performed, asking users to confirm deletion of the portal row.
Product | Supported |
FileMaker Pro | Yes |
FileMaker Go | Yes |
FileMaker WebDirect | Partial |
FileMaker Server | Partial |
FileMaker Cloud | Partial |
FileMaker Data API | Partial |
Custom Web Publishing | Partial |
Originated in version
6.0 or earlier
Important You cannot undo a Delete Portal Row script step.
To control which row is selected, use the Go to Portal Row script step. (If no portal row is selected, nothing happens when this script step is performed.)
If the portal displays records from a related table, this script step deletes the corresponding related record. If the portal displays records from the current table, this script step deletes the current record (which is the same as performing the Delete Record/Request script step).
- In FileMaker WebDirect, after you use this script step in a portal that displays related records, click anywhere on the layout, or use a Commit Records/Requests script step, to commit the deletion. For a portal that displays records from the current table, no additional commit action is necessary.
Example 1
Asks if the user wants to delete the portal row if a product is discontinued.
If [Products::Availability = "Discontinued"]
Delete Portal Row [With dialog: On]
End If
Example 2
Asks if the user wants to delete the product in the current portal row.
Show Custom Dialog ["Do you want to delete " & Products::Name & "?"]
If [Get ( LastMessageChoice ) = 1]
Delete Portal Row [With dialog: Off]
End If