Monitor FileMaker Data API solutions

The server administrator can use Admin Console to start or stop the FileMaker Data API Engine, monitor FileMaker Data API clients, track FileMaker Data API call use, and download the FileMaker Data API log file.



Start or stop the FileMaker Data API Engine

The Admin Console Connectors > FileMaker Data API tab (FileMaker platform) or Claris Data API tab (Claris platform). See "Starting or stopping FileMaker Server components" in Claris Server and FileMaker Server Help or "Changing FileMaker Data API settings" in FileMaker Cloud Help.

With FileMaker Server, you can also use a CLI command. See CLI Help.

Monitor FileMaker Data API clients

The clients list on the Admin Console Databases page. This page shows details about the clients and about the databases being accessed. From this page, you can disconnect FileMaker Data API clients, but you cannot send messages to them.

See "Administering clients" in Claris Server and FileMaker Server Help or "Working with databases and clients" in FileMaker Cloud Help.

Track FileMaker Data API call use

The Admin Console Connectors > FileMaker Data API or Claris Data API tab. This tab displays the FileMaker Data API annual limit set by your license, the amount of data that has been transmitted since the prior annual reset date, and the annual reset date for your license.

  • FileMaker Server only: If you are approaching the annual limit, you can increase the limit using the FileMaker Server Admin Console Administration > FileMaker Licenses tab. See "FileMaker Data API settings" in Claris Server and FileMaker Server Help.

  • FileMaker Cloud: If you are approaching the annual limit, increase the limit using the Claris Customer Console Subscription page. See Claris Customer Console Help.

    Note  All the data returned by the FileMaker Data API is counted against the FileMaker Data API limit, even for calls that fail.

View the FileMaker Data API log

While FileMaker Data API clients are connected to a database, statistical data about the clients is logged to the fmdapi.log.

See "FileMaker Data API log" in Claris Server and FileMaker Server Help or "Viewing and downloading log files" in FileMaker Cloud Help.